Please find below the Supplementary form for:
- those parents who receive Pupil Premium or pupils who have received Free School Meals within the last six years (this does not include the Universal Free School Meals in the infant years). Evidence of this entitlement will need to be sent with the Supplementary form (a letter from your son's primary school or local authority).
- those with a sibling attending Beths school, this does not include siblings who are in Year 13.
- those who have passed the Kent 11+ Test but not the Bexley 11+ Test (evidence of being deemed selective for a Grammar school place will need to be sent with the Supplementary form - the email from Kent County Council will suffice).
- If the above does not affect your son, there is no requirement to complete a supplementary form.
The form should be completed at the same time as your son's Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF). The supplementary form should then be returned to the school by Tuesday 31st October 2023, whereas the SCAF is to be sent to your Local Authority.