Dress and Appearance
The school uniform is:
Blazer | Single breasted navy blue blazer with official school woven badge |
Shirt | White shirt |
Tie | House tie |
Trousers | Plain grey or black trousers |
Jumper | Plain black, navy blue or grey v-neck jumper |
Socks | Plain grey or black socks (no white socks) |
Shoes | Plain black leather shoes, of a conventional school type (no trainers or boots), Kicker shoes are acceptable |
Coat | Plain black, navy blue or grey coat with no markings that is large enough to be worn over the blazer. |
Summer Order (typically June and July):
- Students are not required to wear (or bring to school) a blazer or jacket
- Students are permitted to wear smart black or charcoal grey tailored shorts
- In the event that a student wishes a second layer, the second layer must be a blazer and not a coat or jumper.
It is essential that all clothing and property is clearly and permanently marked with the owner’s full name (not just initials).
This uniform is to be worn on all school occasions, including on Parents Evenings; on the way to and from school, on organised trips and journeys; and when representing the school in a team. The only exception is when the Headteacher or member of staff in charge specifically says that certain other clothing may be worn, such as ‘non-uniform days’.
All students are expected to be clean and tidy at all times. Any unconventional adornments, hair styles or clothing styles are not allowed. No jewellery, including earrings, is allowed other than a wrist watch. Hairstyles should be neat and tidy with no unconventional styles, colouring or patterns. Any other clothing (overcoats, anoraks etc) should be of a conventional nature and no clothing should have large labels or slogans attached. Hooded tops (‘hoodies’) are not allowed and students must not bring to school combs with metal teeth for health and safety reasons.
We have three preferred uniform suppliers who are able to supply all our required uniform and PE and games equipment at competitive prices. These suppliers are:
37 Pickford Lane, Bexleyheath DA7 4QU
Tel: 020 8298 9085.
Website: www.boffinsschoolwear.com
Matthews Schoolwear
33 Upper Wickham Lane, Welling DA16 3AD
Tel: 020 8303 1834.
Website: www.matthewsschoolwear.com
As well as any specialist equipment required in some subjects, the following checklist indicates what each student will need:
- Good quality pen with black ink and at least one spare pen
- Biro with green ink
- 2 pencils
- Coloured pencils (at least four in basic colours)
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser
- USB Memory Stick
- 30cm rule, marked in mm
- 2 set squares, protractor, pair of compasses
- Calculator – available from Beths Stationary Shop in the LRC
- Headphones for use with our computers – available through the School Office
- Glue stick
- Small dictionaries (English and French/Spanish)
- No felt tip pens or correction fluid
GCSE examinations have increased the already important role of the electronic calculator in mathematics teaching.
Many topics (not all) will be taught using calculators. Calculators will also be needed when students are involved with investigational work.
For the above reasons, the Mathematics department has asked that all students have the same calculator for ease of teaching. The model chosen is a Casio FX83GT+ which will be available to purchase through the School from the LRC.
Games and Physical Education
We consider that Games and PE are an essential element in any student’s education.
The kit is:
- PE Top: House colour
- Shorts: navy with school badge
- Trainers: white (as plain as possible)
- Rugby/football shirt: navy with white insert and school badge
- Football socks: navy blue
- Football boots
- Kitbag for Games and PE items
- Gum Shield and Shin Pads
- Long sleeved base layer top: navy (optional)
- Beths tracksuit (optional)
- Beths rain jacket (optional)
Please make sure that all kit is marked with your son’s name. His initials, about 5cm high, embroidered on a leg of each pair of shorts and the front left of the rugby and PE shirts, will help everyone in identifying clothing.
Please encourage your son to take a full part in Games and PE. The usual symptoms of wanting to avoid these activities are ‘forgotten kit’, ‘feeling sick’, ‘bad leg’ etc. If, however, your son has an illness or injury which you are sure makes the playing of games inadvisable, please make certain that he has a note from you, addressed to the PE Teacher, explaining the circumstances.
Students who are fortunate enough to be selected to represent the school, also have to accept the responsibility that this entails. We expect them to dress and behave correctly, both on and off the field, and to show loyalty to the team and to the school. This expectation also applies to out-of-school hours fixtures, including weekend events.