On the 28 June a French university lecturer visited to help some students further their knowledge of French. The best French students in Years 8 and 9 were selected to attend the lecture.
The first thing we did was learn in which circumstances we use “tu” (informal you) and “vous” (formal you). This was a great help because the last time I had covered the topic was in Year 7 and I definitely needed some clarity. During the lesson the lecturer gave us some new vocabulary which I noted into my book. He helpfully printed his lesson plan and all websites he used.
Once the first half of the lecture was finished we had lunch. During lunchtime we had the opportunity to go to a role play activity with him. We worked in pairs. We had cards which had questions we had to answer and a surprise question which our partner chose. We had the option to choose which difficulty of questions we wanted. The activity was a great experience and was like speaking French properly. Everybody had a great time and we had all learnt something.
After lunch we had the second half of our lecture and the topic was irregular verbs that use être as their auxiliary verb in the perfect tense instead of avoir. It is quite an interesting topic and we all learnt lots.
I would like to thank the university lecturer Mr Kader Izri. I would also like to thank Miss Price the head of languages and my French teacher Mrs Martin for giving us this great experience.