
Week Ending 25 September 2020

Messages from the Headteacher

A reminder, following on from my letters this week, that it is now the time that we would traditionally expect students and staff to be experiencing a range of mild illnesses.  However, this year, we have the added complication of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is imperative, for the safety of the whole school community that, should your child be suffering from any of the COVID-19 symptoms, they must not come into school.  If they do, they will be isolated in our COVID room and parents will be contacted immediately to come and collect them.  They will not be sent home on public transport.  Likewise, should a member of your household be displaying Coronavirus symptoms or has tested positive, NHS Test and Trace has contacted your child, or they have been in direct close contact with someone who has tested positive, no matter how well they feel, they must self-isolate for 14 days and, if they develop symptoms, take a test. 

As you will be aware, there are many similarities between COVID-19, seasonal flu and the common cold and we appreciate that making the decision as a parent is increasingly difficult in these uncertain times.  However, you know your child best and how they are when they are “normally” unwell, so we ask that you use your judgement and knowledge of your own child when making the decision to send them into school.  If you are unsure, we would advise that you contact NHS 111 who will be able to help you.

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