Yet another week full of activity.
Year 8 Camp Group One arrived in Brockenhurst safely on Saturday and activities began in earnest immediately.
The weather has been kind to them and students have been involved in canoeing, cycling, orienteering and cooking, to new but a few and, because they are not allowed their mobiles phones, they have also been talking to one another! Group One return this afternoon, who have been replaced by Group Two. Please look out for lots of photos and more information on what they’ve all been up to in next week’s Blog.
On Monday 10 July, Year 8 made a visit to Mansfield College, a college of Oxford University. The boys gathered at Hall Place where the coaches departed for our rather lengthy journey to Oxford. When we arrived the boys received an inspirational speech from the Head of School about the benefits of higher education and answered questions on university life. The boys then had a tour of Mansfield College before we left for the tour of Oxford city. We had lunch in an open park within the university grounds. After lunch we headed to Christ Church where we had the opportunity of visiting the Cathedral and the ‘Great Hall’ which is the filming scene for the Harry Potter film. This was a fantastic trip in helping to build aspirations for our students. The boys spoke openly about how they would like to attend a university like this and the conversations very quickly developed to enquiring about possible courses on offer. It was great to see the students so engaged and interested in the trip. Their behaviour was impeccable and this was commented on by university staff and members of the public. The boys were a real credit to themselves and the school. By Mr McBeth, Head of Year 8.
A message from Independent Caterers to remind parents that once their son/daughter’s sQuid fob is over £3.00 overdrawn, they will not be able to supply them with any food. Please keep a check on how much credit is on the fob to ensure that your son or daughter do not go hungry.
On Wednesday evening, our Art and Photographic Exhibition took place. The art work on show was stunning and parents and special guests alike were amazed by the talent on display. Mr Blyghton, Headteacher was quoted as saying that “this was some of the best artwork that he had seen for years and was taken aback by some of the quality of the brushwork and photographic skills of our students. It was an evening not to be missed.”
Year 9 – Planning for Work Experience
This term Year 9 have been introduced to a careers package called Kudos which is designed to help them explore their possible career directions and learn about their future options. They have been given their own personal logins to use the package either at home or in school.
Coming back into Year 10 we will be looking at Work Experience placements and this package may be able to help them think more about what they would be interested in doing for a work placement.
Get a head start – Stay ahead of the game
During the summer holiday, students may want to start searching for a placement by either writing/telephoning companies/businesses that interest them to see if they do take work experience students. They should make a list so that they have a head start ready for the new academic year. Also in Fronter in the ‘Work Experience Room’ you will find more guidance on how to write a letter etc. Further information with regards to Work Experience in Year 10, Parents Evening will be sent out in the new academic year. By Mrs J Game, Work Experience co-ordinator.
On Thursday afternoon, Bexley Local Authority celebrated this year’s NQTs and welcomed them into the teaching profession. Having seen our students perform at our recent Summer Soiree, they were invited to perform for the guests and NQTs present by Danielle Moore from Bexley LA.
Ms Moore today sent her thanks to the school saying: “The students were a credit to both you and the school. Their performances were brilliant and behaviour was exemplary.
“Thank you for sharing their musical talents with our teachers at their celebration event. “
Finally, a message from Lidl, who you may know have recently opened a new store in Bexleyheath. Lidl have had a condition placed on their liquor licence which states that children dressed in school uniform will not be permitted entrance to the store between the hours of 8.00am-9.00am and 2.30pm-6.00pm unless accompanied by an adult. It also stipulates that at other times, groups of five or more children appearing to be 16 or under will not be permitted entrance to the store unless accompanied by an adult. Notices will be displayed in store giving further details and security staff will be in employed for the six week period following opening or until 22 September 2017. Lidl must comply with the condition but have asked us to apologise to students on their behalf.