Coronavirus (COVID-19) – updates from the Headteacher
After an unprecedented last 14 weeks of term, we are finally coming to the end of a situation which none of us could ever have imagined!
I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for getting us through, what at occasions, have been really difficult times … but, we’re nearly there. Thank you especially to the Facilities Team for all their hard work in ensuring that the school site has remained safe for us all to continue to work and study and for us to attempt to get back into some sort of routine.
Thursday is the last day of teaching in school (and virtually, for now) and I would like to wish you all a very good, restful break. Virtual lessons will cease over the summer and we hope that, all being well, we will be able to welcome the whole school community back in September.
We have started to work on the plan going forward in September and I will provide you of with details before the end of term. It is my intention to have all students back in school in September and whilst there are caveats and expectations being placed on the school we will do our utmost to make things work for everyone. If the current position changes, I will update you during the summer break.
The school calendar for the next academic year would normally soon be available for parents, however, this year, planning for it has been quite a challenge due to the amount of unknowns going forward. We have therefore made a decision that many of the activities which would normally have taken place during the Autumn term in school, will now take place virtually – this is likely to include things like parent evenings and Governors Committees and, if we are able to run concerts, it is likely that these will be pre-recorded and posted onto the website. My intention is to ensure that we have as few people on site who are not part of the student and staff population as possible, at least for the time being. This will also have a knock on effect to our ‘curriculum project’ where we welcome children from local primary schools in on a weekly basis, and to our open events – which will also be taking place virtually.
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