
Week ending Friday 19 June 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – updates from the Headteacher

We welcomed both Year 10 and Year 12 this week in smaller numbers – 25% of the combined year groups each day, around 140 students and I can report that our uptake was around 80% meaning that four in every five attended which is a fantastic effort.  I did note the joyous faces of parents who were dropping their children off – even if it was only for a 3 hour break.

I am very grateful to Mrs Walker and her Facilities Team who have prepared the whole School site in readiness for staff and some students to return.  They have peppered the site with little footprints to follow, rolls of hazard tape, clear directional routes and made each area as safe as is possible with sanitisers outside and inside classrooms, wipes inside the room and only the necessary desks required.  A mammoth effort which needs to be maintained each day so that rooms are ready and I do think our students appreciated the opportunity to be back in familiar surroundings amongst their peers with staff who they get on well with.

Year 10 will follow the same subjects on the same day of the week as the one just finished although I have changed the order as some staff noticed that some students were quite fatigued by the last session because of the high-impact lessons delivered every 30-minutes.  I managed to deliver the 3 lessons of Mathematics set for the week in my 30 minutes but I felt, by the end of it, quite tired!

Year 12 sessions continue with Group 3 on Monday/Tuesday and Group 4 on Thursday/Friday.  Please stick to your groups, refer to your old timetable of when subjects where taught and also note that there are no directed study facilities on site.  You are only supposed to in school when you have a taught lesson.  The site is as safe as can be but we are only allowing those that need to be on-site, on-site.

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