
Week ending Friday 10 April 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – updates from the Headteacher

As we move into another week of isolation and into the second week of the Easter break, we hope that you are all coping and finding new ways to ‘spend time’ with friends and family, whether that be by using one of the video conferencing platforms or just over the good old-fashioned telephone.

We would like to join in with the majority of the country and please urge everyone to follow the Government’s rules and do not meet up with people but to keep the directed two metres apart from everyone (except those living within your household) at all times.  Just because you may not be showing signs of Covid-19, does not mean that you are not a carrier and spreading the virus every time you leave your house. 

We need the NHS and all the other key workers to be able to continue their important roles safely and, for them to continue to do this, we have got to follow the rules.

Once isolation has been removed, we will then have a clearer picture of when students will return to school and for our normal lives to continue.

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