
Week Ending Friday 12 June 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – updates from the Headteacher

As you know, next week will see us starting to open up the school site to our Year 10 and 12 students.  This has been a mighty feat to ensure that the school site is a safe place for staff and students to attend in numbers.  Due to the social distancing, the class sizes for Year 10 have been reduced to eight students and one member of staff – a quarter of the number you would normally expect to see in most lessons!  And for Year 12 class sizes up to nine students.

The plan is to divide the Year 10 into quarters where each quarter is assigned a day – Monday group, Tuesday group, Thursday group and Friday group.  This will begin on Monday 15 June and it is intended to offer for the first three weeks a diet of English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and PHSCE/Well-Being with each group.  Once we get to July, the Option subjects will have the opportunity to have face-face lessons.  Each Year 10 student will be in one a week on their allotted day.

The plan for Year 12 is also to divide them into quarters but given that the year group is almost twice the size and has three times the number of options, we have come up with the following.  It uses the fact that the four A Level blocks from the current timetable appear on Monday/Tuesday Periods 3-6 and also Thursday/Friday Periods 3-6.  From Thursday 18 June.  It is our intention to create a two week cycle whereby each group is in school on one of those pairings so that over a two-week cycle, each student receives 90 minutes of face-face tuition with a subject specialist.  There will be two cycles this term. Students will be told which group they are in, given a two day timetable which details the subjects, the dates they are expected and the rooms they are in.  The rooms are different to where the students would normally go to but when the subjects are in the week hasn’t changed.

The Groups have been created to accommodate group numbers so turning when you feel like or your mates are going isn’t an option and students who try to buck the system will sent away.  Each room is used once only each day before it is cleaned for the next and we have a limited numbers of cleaning staff available to ensure up 35 rooms are ready for the following day so I will not allow any directed studying on site during this period.

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